Free Guide: What You Need to Know About Treating Trigeminal Neuralgia with Gamma Knife

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Free Guide: What You Need to Know About Treating Trigeminal Neuralgia with Gamma Knife

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How Gamma Knife Can Treat Trigeminal Neuralgia

Because trigeminal neuralgia is such a rare condition, many patients can go years before being properly diagnosed. Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that results from dysfunction of the trigeminal nerve. Patients experience pain in the areas innervated by the nerve, which can be intense and unrelenting and without any identifiable cause.

The first step in treatment is generally medication, which can help reduce pain and prevent episodes. However, some patients will require further intervention, and Gamma Knife radiosurgery can be an excellent option. Studies have shown that after Gamma Knife radiosurgery, 75-80% experience good to excellent relief from pain.

Though it may sound like a surgical procedure, Gamma Knife radiosurgery is actually a specialized form of radiation treatment that does not require any incisions or even a hospital stay. Because of the noninvasive nature of Gamma Knife radiosurgery, you will be able to go home the same day as your treatment and will not need to stay overnight in the hospital.

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“I am now experiencing a quality of life that I didn’t think was ever possible again.”​
Paul Brush
Trigeminal Neuralgia Patient

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